Every Thought Captive

And So, We Go

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

As Coordinator for Youth Discipleship, I was asked: What would you ask God about, concerning youth ministry, if you knew He would answer you immediately?

My honest answer was: “How, Lord?”

• How do we reach students with the Gospel when we can’t meet them through Sunday school or youth events?
• How do we disciple students when we can’t meet in person for Bible studies?
• How do we send students into the world when it’s not safe to go anywhere?

Perhaps you can relate to such how questions in your life or personal areas of ministry as well.

It is not that God has not left us without any guidance. We know many things to be true:

• We know that our nature and mission do not change with our circumstances.
• We know that wilderness seasons are a part of God’s glorious design.
• We have learned to trust Scripture and the Holy Spirit’s guiding as we navigate uncertainty.

And yet in our sinful flesh, we still may not be satisfied. We desire to know the how’s behind our mission as His followers. And those holes in our understanding can lead to doubt, frustration, and apathy (this one is especially prevalent for me).

So, how do we face our unchanging mission when we don’t understand the how’s that accompany our situation?

The words from the following hymn have brought a lot of comfort to me:

Facing a task unfinished
That drives us to our knees
A need that, undiminished
Rebukes our slothful ease
We, who rejoice to know Thee
Renew before Thy throne
The solemn pledge we owe Thee
To go and make Thee known

(“Facing A Task Unfinished” by Getty Music)

We first go to our knees in prayer, and in those moments, our faith that God knows the answer to all of our how’s is renewed. And so, we go—praying for faithfulness this day as we face the many uncertainties in our lives. God’s Spirit and Word will lead.

About the Author

Photograph of Kat Dryden

Kat Dryden

Kat served as the Co-Ministry Leader of the High School Ministry at PCPC and is passionate about students knowing the love of their Creator. Kat is a proud graduate of the University of Nebraska where she studied Communications and English. When not hanging out with 9th-12th graders, you can find Kat reading a good book, going on a walk with her husband, or chatting with a friend over coffee.